

淡々と 淡々と


関節目的語のO'に代名詞を置く場合は目的格(me, him, themなど)にすること。

①The biology teacher explained, “Generally speaking, female mammals do not lay eggs but give birth to babies and feed them breast milk.”

SVO'OのOには新しい情報を入れるべきなので代名詞の場合はSVO to O'の順。

②“How I have longed to possess a jewel such as this.”“How gorgeous! Was it expensive?”“I got it for free. My fiance gave it to me as a token of his love.”

③A friend of mine found this instruction manual for me, but it has quite a few unfamiliar terms in it, so I got myself a reference book to look up their definitions.

④I asked her a slightly personal question out of mere curiosity, but she took it as an implicit insult and became furious with me.

⑤The grim-faced sergeant commanded in a voice of wrath, “Be alert! It's a matter of life and death. A moment's hesitation will cost you your life.”

⑥Kindergarten children were singing in chorus the joyful, lively song “I Wish You a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.”


⑦“I'm glad I've met a smart, sincere man at last!”“I'm afraid you have yet to meet Mr. right. I find Bob shallow and dishonest. You are mistaken about him.”

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